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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Tendons & ligaments

Could you manage to find someone to interview who has in depth knowledge about tendon and ligament injuries, especially as it pertains to the aging athlete. I know there’s a of research on Achilles, but much less so on high hamstring and glute tendinopathies. And throw in some rotator cuff info/prehab as well. Thank you!


Hi. I’m a member, waiting for the next member only discount, is it a discount on Morpheus? I am considering buying Morpheus. It would make an awesome member discount. :)

Feedback on #304 quarterly podcast summaries

Wasn't sure where to post this, but I love the new quarterly podcast summary format. Thank you!

How does insulin resistance lead to higher fasting glucose?

What is going on, mechanistically, that leads to higher fasting glucose in an individual who is insulin-resistant? Is it leftover glucose still circulating from the previous night's dinner because it couldn't be stored anywhere (because of the insulin resistance)? Or, and perhaps this is my real question, does insulin resistance somehow convince the liver that the body's glucose "set point" should be higher, such that even if the body's blood sugar dips into what would be a normal range for an insulin-sensitive person, the liver acts to free up some glucose and restore insulin-resistance homeostasis?

What about calories disposed of by other means than storage or metabolism?

Under some conditions, large amounts of macronutrients can be excreted. A good example is ketosis, where ketones are secreted in the urine, breath and sweat, often in significant quantities. Another example is fat surviving the trip through the GI tract. I never hear this considered in discussions of energy balance. Isn't it - at least sometimes - an important factor in "calories out"?