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Everything Oxygen!!

Would you please cover an AMA on oxygen. From HBOT to acute hypoxia, altitude mask, and all facets of health impact to each to the four horsemen . CPOD and exercise, Many thanks

Time restricted-eating and AD

There was a paper published last year in Cell Metabolism titled "Circadian modulation by time-restricted feeding rescues brain pathology and improves memory in mouse models of Alzheimer's disease". What struck me as significant in this study is the increased clearance of A-beta and a reduction of amyloid deposits. Both intermittent fasting and Alzheimer's come up in your podcasts, is this a paper you would consider discussing, as either beneficial or not. Thanks.


I've switched over to Xylitol from sugar for its various health benefits, but the Cleveland Clinic did a study last year and found that it was linked to twice the risk of heart attacks, stroke and death in people who consumed large amounts of it. Your current opinion of Xylitol please

Yoga- passive/active muscle work

Why the hesitation in regards to yoga. I found it exposed a flaw by showing a lack of strength in areas of the body. I feel it’s truly done wonders. Is the lack of data, bias towards the practice, or what would you need for an examination of it?

Hydrogen water

Thoughts about the positive claims being made?