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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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I have been recently diagnosed with Afib & after following your health & diet guide was so focused on Apob but my heart issues were electrical. I would really like you to cover this & also the link to Afib & cycling & endurance athletes. It has come as a surprise to me & im sure your listeners would like to know more.

Dawn Phenomenon

Can you please speak on the Dawn Phenomenon. Will it improve as my body heals? Are there any changes that i can make that will help expedite this process of healing? Should I surrender to metformin use? I am a typical 58 y/o, surgery induced, post-menopausal female. I have made drastic lifestyle changes (beginning April 26, 2024) in an attempt to reverse newly diagnosed Type II Diabetes and to avoid medication. I am wearing a cgm, which has been very motivating! I am seeing great reduction and management in my bld sugar readings with diet and exercise. My main concern is with that pesky Dawn Phenomenon!

Breast Cancer treatment and HRT treatment for homozygous APOE4 carrier

Thank you for your interview with Harold Burstein, M.D. concerning breast cancer. My question concerns the following. I have been implementing the Bredesen protocol to prevent Alzheimer's, as I have 2 copies of the APOE4 gene, which makes me 70%-90% more susceptible to suffering from the disease. BHRT significantly reduces Alzheimer’s in women that take it within 10 years of menopause. I started on progesterone and testosterone 6 months ago and I had 6 more months to go before I could start estrogen, which would have been 12 months since my last menstrual cycle. I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer on the right breast. I opted to have a double mastectomy, which allowed me to not need radiation. My cancer was DCIS stage 1, ER+, PR+, HER2-, and all 5 lymph nodes were negative for metastatic carcinoma. I did not hear Dr. Burstein talk about needing Tamoxifen if a double mastectomy was preformed. My oncologist is recommending Tamoxifen and is against HRT and the nurse practitioner helping with the Bredesen protocol says that I still can take HRT. When I look at oncologist Dr. Avrum Bluming’s information, he indicates that HRT is still an option as well. My question is twofold. Since I had a double mastectomy is it necessary for me to take Tamoxifen and instead begin HRT? I’m thinking that having two copies of the APOE4 gene is the greater threat. If not, then am I still in the time frame of beginning HRT after 5 years of Tamoxifen?

High ApoB at 24

How would you suggest a 24 year old lower their ApoB and maintain a low ApoB for the rest of their life. Are medications indicated?

Heat and Cold

From a scientific perspective, Do regular cold water baths following sauna have any impact on metabolism, DNA repair, inflammation or longevity in general?