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At what point does endurance exercise cause heart damage?

Dave Scott, 70 years old, six time winner of the Kona Ironman World Championship and a life-long endurance athlete and coach has just undergone open-heart surgery for what he terms "athletic heart", citing damage from years of endurance training. Could Peter please comment on this. Here is a link to Dave Scott's Instagram announcement recorded before his surgery. Dave Scott is a legend in the endurance world. I'm sure a lot of endurance athletes are concerned about potential heart damage. Thank you!

glucose at wake time vs. 15ish minutes later

Hello! I am a non-diabetic who wears a CGM twice a year as a feedback loop and motivator to stay on course. During this session, I've noticed that my BG upon waking is between 100-108 and then, 15ish minutes later, after I've begun moving around, it dips into the 80s. This makes me realize that all my fasting blood labs must also similarly show fasting blood glucose that is lower than the number at wake time. Which metric should we use to determine health - the reading at wake time or the average fasting reading before breakfast? thank you!

Pitavastatin lowers inflammation and pancreatic cancer risk "Statin prevents cancer development in chronic inflammation by blocking interleukin 33 expression" Would this shift your statin for lipid management towards this particular statin, pitavastatin? Also if you are on Repatha and Nexlizit combination for cholesterol particle lowering would you consider switching back to Pitavastatin plus Nexlizit to get the anti-inflammatory effect of Pitavastatin OR does Repatha have a similar anti-inflammatory effect and by what action? How low can you push your lipid levels and still be healthy in women? Is LDL-C of 17 and APO-B of 28 too low or acceptable? Is there a too low level?

People who have had their live change because of Peter's advise

I would like to ask Peter to do an entire podcast on the people who feel his advise have either saved their life or, at least, have had an significant affect on it. Here is a comment from a fellow in the Peter Attia fan club FB page. "I want to restate my gratitude for Dr Attia's book/podcasts. With little doubt his worked saved my life. I was a picture of health for a 71 year old. Ai worked out daily. Weights, rucking, cycling, golf every day, etc. Passed stress test and cardiac ultrasound. My standard blood work was superb. However, my Lp(a) was 550 and my "CAC" was 7500. My cardiologist thought I was good to go. I argued for angiogram and I mean argued. The result was 5 arteries with significant blockage. While in CCU I had a heart attack. This could have been on the golf course or rucking. Peter's discussion of CAC saved my life."

new quarterly AMA

I like the new format, please continue it