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Surgery recovery after 60

I had MPFL replacement surgery at 64. 10 months later I am still struggling to walk. I continue to have knee stiffness and inflammation. Does it take longer to recover from surgery after 60?

Magnesium supplementation

I have had GI distress in the past so stopped supplementing magnesium. I do eat all the foods high in magnesium but plan to take L Threonate in pm. All the slow-mag includes calcium. I can’t take calcium supplement, only add to diet due to genetic predisposition for kidney stones. ( never passed a stone or needed intervention but am followed currently) Any suggestion for delayed release without calcium?

Study of increased blood pressure when trying to move a paralyzed muscle

I hope that you listen to Rhonda Patrick’s most recent episode that involved her speaking with Benjamin Levine. He talks about how blood pressure can be increased, even with a muscle that is completely paralyzed, only due to the stress and intention of trying to flex the muscle. They also discuss maximum blood pressure and different ways your heart response to stress. I have an important question and curiosity about heart attacks and panic induced heart attacks or emotionally induced heart attacks. Rhonda’s latest episode highlights how zone to build a different part of the heart then say strength training. What is the best protection against emotionally induced heart attacks? Does physical exercise help with this? Is this a different physiology compared to an exertion based heart attack? I asked because I’m curious about the use of psychedelics becoming more popular in healthcare studies and what people could do in order to protect themselves or build up their heart to manage emotional experiences safely. if that topic is currently avoided on the show Just speaking about emotionally induced heart attacks would be very interesting. People with stronger emotions and mental health issues that lead to strong emotions more at risk for heart attack? Thanks.

Beta blocker effect on VO2 max, etc

How do use of beta blockers and other BP meds limit our exercise metrics and how can we best compensate for that? Thanks.


Hi, in Peter’s podcast on Magnesium, he references SloMag as a good magnesium chloride option. I don’t see plain magnesium chloride anywhere and only see their’s which also contains calcium and is a gummy. Is this the one to take? I thought supplemental calcium was not a good option anymore as I am taking a liquid vitamin D with K already. Is there another magnesium he was talking about taking?