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Turkesterone and HMB - Possible Good or BS

What is your opinion on the use of Turkesterone and β-Hydroxy β-methylbutyric acid (HMB). I have seen that HMB used in conjunction with Creatine has shown greater benefits to muscle building. Also, all the hype around Turkesterone being a natural steroid for muscle building. I want to know your opinion on these two compounds, BS or Possible Pros?


For those of us with low bone density that are looking at having to take a pharmacological intervention can you discuss the currently available treatments, their side effects and any promising treatments on the horizon.

Potential for statin-induced reductions in exercise adaptations

Given CoQ10s importance in mitochondrial respiration, and Peter's recent discussion in podcast #279 hypothesizing that statin-related muscle pain and insulin resistance is likely caused by the inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase, is there any concern that statin's may reduce adaptations to exercise? I am particularly concerned about endurance exercise. Is there any data on this?

Cholesterol synthesis/absorption markers vs. apo(b)

Peter has mentioned a number of times testing cholesterol synthesis and absorption markers (the 4 standard synthesis/absorption markers desmosterol, lathosterol, B-sitosterol, campesterol), and wanting to see specific values for these labs, as well as essentially wanting to drive apo(b) as low as possible. My question is, if cholesterol synthesis and/or absorption markers come back high but apo(b) value is low, is this still an issue? I know it's been mentioned that desmosterol itself is atherogenic, but do any of the 4 standard synthesis/absorption markers impart unique ASCVD risks even if apo(b) is low?

Certification / course in longevity medicine

Can you advice any online course for a physician wanting to practice the "longevity medicine" ?