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Botox and Dementia

Are there any studies which suggest that botox in the face can be causal to a higher incidence of dementia? Any that suggest botox is safe? Botox to neck present any specific dangers?

HIIT and heart failure

You have talked a lot about CVD but where does heart failure play into this. I’m 77, exercise daily, zone 2, resistance exercise, and HIIT once or twice a week. Very healthy, no noted CVD except incipient heart failure (ejection fraction 50%). On Jardiance for it. How does HIIT fit into this? Is it generally a good thing to do, or not indicated for someone with heart failure. Any research on this. Thanks.

Should zone 2 training target all muscle groups?

If zone 2 training improves mitochondrial health, shouldn't we train different body parts under this protocol? In other words, if I use a bicycle for the zone 2 training, is this enough, or I should also do zone 2 swimming, or other zone 2 type of training for the upper body?

Outlive, second edition

Would you like errata for Outlive? If so, where should we send it?

Anger,Irritability and being reactive.

Dear Dr Attai, Have you come across study/ science any relationship between negative emotions increasing risk of CVD ? Thank you