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GLP-1 and TRT

While on GLP-1 medication (tirzepatide), what are your thoughts on taking testosterone to reduce muscle loss? Maybe even using a CGM to make sure glucose doesn't get too low?

Effects of plasmapheresis on aging

Have you considered the emerging research on plasmapheresis on aging? Starting to look compelling. I’d love to hear your thoughts, plasma donation is low risk and high benefit to the recipients, maybe also the donor.

Metformin vs. berberine vs. inositol

Could you please explain the similarities and differences between these three, and which do you think would work best in treating insulin resistance?

JAMA Nov. 12, would like Peter’s comments

Is this meaningful: Question What is the safety and tolerability of lepodisiran, which is a short interfering RNA directed at hepatic production of apolipoprotein(a), and the effect on lipoprotein(a) serum concentrations at doses from 4 mg to 608 mg through 336 days (48 weeks) of follow-up? Findings The trial enrolled 48 participants without cardiovascular disease and with lipoprotein(a) concentrations of 75 nmol/L or greater (or ≥30 mg/dL). A single serious adverse event occurred. The maximal median change from baseline in serum lipoprotein(a) concentrations was −5% in the placebo group, −41% in the 4 mg of lepodisiran group, −59% in the 12-mg dose group, −76% in the 32-mg dose group, −90% in the 96-mg dose group, −96% in the 304-mg dose group, and −97% in the 608-mg dose group. At day 337, the median change in lipoprotein(a) was −94% in the 608-mg dose group. Meaning Lepodisiran was well tolerated and produced dose-dependent, long-duration reductions in serum lipoprotein(a) concentrations in this phase 1 trial; these findings support further study of lepodisiran.

Properties of salt

Using salt to control blood pressure which tends to drop below 90/50 at times and feels uncomfortable. It’s a familial tendency and salt works quite well. Are there properties of salt that are undesirable even in someone with low blood pressure?