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COVID-19 Booster Mandates in 2023?

Hi Peter, I’m a healthcare worker at a small private practice retina specialist. I’m a 24 year old male, and I had COVID-19 in the Fall of 2020 and received the primary sequence of the Pfizer vaccines in the fall of 2021. After doing my own research on the vaccine, listening to your podcasts on the subject matter, and the simple fact that we do not have any long term studies on it, I do not feel comfortable getting this booster at all. My boss is requiring it for all employees regardless of age, history of COVID-19 infection, prior vaccinations, etc., because he believes it’s best for our patients. I’ve tried to convey that it does not benefit third parties, but I’ve only been met with resistance. I’m willing to leave my current job for this mandate - and I wanted to see if I’m being irrational, or if this is a valid reason to leave in 2023. Any thoughts, suggestions, or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Reconciling sleep studies which suggest 7 hours / night vs. Matt Walker's suggestions?

I recently went through a CBT-I program @ UCLA. The first session, they told me that 7, not 8 hours, is the optimum sleep period. I'd previously read Matt Walker's work, so I asked for links to the papers. Would love it if the team discussed this.

Transition in and out of Zone 2

I run outside which I prefer and it’s quite hilly here which makes it harder to stay in zone 2 even walking if my HR gets too high. My question is how quickly do you go out of zone two and how long does it take to get back into zone 2 if you go down to zone one or up to zone 3. Additionally I heard there were some benefits of zone 1 in that it trained transition to zone 2. Really would appreciate to know what research has shown about the transition in and out of zone 2.

Cooking oils - avocado, clarified butter, coconut oil and mustard oils

Hi Peter, Can you please cover avocado, clarified butter, coconut oil and mustard oil in future AMA. I use a combination of these with saturated oils less than 10-15% of the total oil I use for cooking. Using Clarified butter, and Mustard oil is very common in Asian cooking. So I am sure this I might be a helpful topic for many subscribers. I have posted this question in past couple of years ago. I hope this time it can get answered. Thank you for being an amazing guide over the years so I have the knowledge to ask better questions from my HCPs. The downside is, most of them fall short of expectations as you have set a very high bar now!

VO2 Max

What is the best way to increase my VO2 Max? I am a 75 year old male with gym membership.