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Increased Stroke Risk With Very Low LDL/ApoB

There may be a causal role for higher stroke risk with lowering LDL too low in those without high CVD risk. See, e.g., and Harvard Professor Walter Willett ("We were meant to have cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. It plays a physiologic role. And driving it down too much does seem… the evidence is quite clear that will increase hemorrhagic stroke risk. This has been studied a lot in Japan, because until fairly recently, hemorrhagic stroke was the #1 cause of death in Japan. A lot of it related to hypertension, but also to very low cholesterol levels. There’s now evidence that statins will do that [cause stroke] if you drive cholesterol down too low, and also Mendelian randomization showing that the genotype that is consistent with the gene that is regulated by statins… that’s also associated with higher hemorrhagic stroke." I would love your thoughts with how this squares with advice to lower ApoB/LDL to extremely low levels. Thanks.

Hearing loss that is not age related

Hi Peter, You have shared your thoughts on hearing loss and dementia risk. In the studies you site, the hearing loss is age related. At 30, I had a bad ear infection which resulted in hearing loss in one ear. The impact is noticeable, i have ringing in that ear and, in social situations, I have to read lips to truly understand a conversation. The good news is that I am 53 and it never got worse. I do not use a hearing aide. As I do not have age-related hearing loss, what do you believe my risks are for dementia? Are there any studies on non age-related hearing loss and dementia? Thank You

What do you think of FATTY15? Worth trying?

Would love your thoughts on the new supplement FATTY15 and this article:

Olympic weightlifting and sunscreen

Hi Peter- two unrelated questions: 1. How should I think of olympic weightlifting in a longevity-focused training routine? It seems to me like it's somewhere in between strength, cardio, and stability. I'm curious what you think. Is it worth doing? Or just not as efficient as things dedicated towards strength/cardio/stability. 2. Any thoughts on skin cancer prevention besides "avoid sun and use sunscreen"?

Corticosteroids & Metabolic Health

How can you improve metabolic health while taking high dose corticosteroids (e.g. prednisone 80mg per day prescribed for several months due to an overactive immune response attacking the CNS)? My 37 year old husband recently spent 2.5 weeks in the hospital due to unexplained brain bleeds, tentative diagnosis of neurosarcoidosis. His doctor wants him to take high dose steroids with a slow taper (decreasing dose 10mg every month), and I’m worried about long term side effects and impact on metabolic health.