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Is zone two training as important for females as it is for males? Women are not small men.

Hello--I'm a female amateur competitive athlete, and I have been following your podcast like religion. I appreciate the incredible amount of detail you, your team and guests provide. It has hugely enriched my life (and my husband's). Thank you. I love it. That said, I've also grown to appreciate the research and information provided by Dr. Stacy Sims (Creator of Women Are Not Small Men). She takes a deep dive into the research to see what applies to females versus males in the world of physiology. I'm not an exercise physiologist or doctor, but I'm interested in learning more about sex differences in our performance and longevity. I just finished reading two of her blogs where she breaks down to a cellular level how females do not benefit from zone two training like males do: What do you think about this? Are you putting together a schedule for 2024? Perhaps Dr. Sims could be one of your guests? In the meantime, will you clarify what MCT1 and MCT4 are (for the lay person), their expression in males versus females in different zones and the effects of estrogen on them?


Could you do a deep dive on these type of drugs for people with familia hyperlipidemia. This class vs statins. R/B/A. Thanks so much, Really enjoy the programs

VO2 max maintenance vs improvement

In a recent Instagram post, you mention that one VO2 max training per week is sufficient if you already have a good baseline. Is there a program you recommend if one is really trying to improve this number dramatically from an unhealthy baseline?

Orbita 2

Can you talk about how the Orbita 2 trial may change our view of CAD and PCI vs medical management in stable angina?


Can you please talk about how you think about test validation? For example the CGMs which are validated for diabetics. How do you consider the data that comes from something like that but applied to a group that it may not be validated in?