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HRT...Any geroprotection in progesterone only?

Also, does supplementing with progesterone ONLY have any of the same geroprotective benefits (e.g., bone health and hearth health) as supplementing with estrogen? Finally, can you please speak to your views on the importance (or not) of testing and monitoring estrogen metabolism pathways (i.e., CYP1A1 versus CYP1B1 or CYP3A4) and when, in your view, those ratios would weigh in favor of avoiding estrogen supplementation?

HRT...any geroprotection in progesterone only?

Does supplementing with progesterone ONLY have any of the same geroprotective benefits (e.g., bone health and hearth health) as supplementing with estrogen?

HRT... estrogen metabolic pathways

Can you please speak to your views on the importance (or not) of testing and monitoring estrogen metabolism pathways (i.e., DUTCH test CYP1A1 versus CYP1B1 or CYP3A4) and when, in your view, those ratios would weigh in favor of avoiding estrogen supplementation? Does you answer differ depending on the patients estrogen levels?

Zone 2

I wanted to send you a quick question. I did read the Outlive, and really enjoyed it, and I've listened to a number of the podcasts. One of the things that came up regarding exercise was stay in Zone 2 when working out. I figured that this was a way of staying active for those that didn't want to work any harder than that or were older and trying to stay active but couldn't really work out, but then in one of your youtube shorts the other day I heard you referencing Zones 3&4 as 'Garbage' Zones. This made me feel as though they may actually be bad. I'm not fanatical and I don't compete, but I do like to push myself a bit. I usually stay solidly in the upper half of Zone 4 for most of my 30-35 minute cardio (generally running). Is this not a good practice? And if so can you help me with with why. I'm having a hard time reducing my intensity down to a Zone 2 level and still feeling like I'm getting a workout. Side note, if you are taking on clients or doing testing, I'd love to get in the queue. My mother had early onset and passed away about 2 years ago. If I can check myself/do anything about it...I'd certainly like to. Thank you


Is HDL "good" because it actually does something useful in the body or does it just does no harm?