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Cardiovascular and cognitive effects from long term use of marijuana

Hello, read the Outlive book and listened to your marijuana podcast from 2019 which covered its safety from an OD perspective. Was wondering if you can cover the cardiovascular and cognitive effects of long term heavy use of marijuana?

Dr. Aseem Malhotra on Rogan?

I recently learned of Dr. Mahlotra on Joe Rogan's show and his views on statins and the importance of cholesterol relative to cadiovascualar risk. He seemed well-informed and prepared to get into the details, so I thought you might consider a way to discuss or interpret his views on cholesterol, as your view on the importance of ApoB seems at odds with his. Not trying to create a combative episode or response - just trying to reconcile the discussion he had with Rogan with your seemingly strong views that seemed contradictory. I expect that, like most things, you two don't actually disagree on that much, but would be good to hear either way. Would LOVE to see an episode where the two of your geek out in a positive dialogue.

Gas stove impact on health

Lot's of discussion on gas stoves on the internet, and I saw your recent email on this topic. But it seemed to fall short of simple and clear guidance on how to mitigate the adverse effects of gas stoves (if needde). Perhaps you could tie this into a broader discussion that includes the impact of cooking foods/oil/meats at high heats where smoke and other browning occurs. My wife tends to cook with high heat and consistently creates smoke and browning on meats, fish and vegetables and my basic research suggested this creates airborne toxins, which might matter if we cook this way 2-3x per day.

Training while traveling (and sailing)

I'm doing all the things (resistance training, 85% Z2, 15% Z5, etc.), but I love to travel and sail, and I have opportunities to do some extended sailing trips (weeks at sea) as well as some weeks-long backpacking travel throughout South America. I will be physically active during these periods, but not doing discrete training sessions like I am now. What is the best way to minimize muscle loss and maximize resistance training under uncertain travel circumstances? Bands? Body-weight exercises? Jump rope? I want to stay fit but also want to participate in the activities that bring me joy. Those are the things we want to fill our extra health span with, after all.

Homocysteine, methylated B vitamins and DHA

Loved Podcast #257- So much great information!!! I am, however, confused about the homocysteine segment. I think that if the homocysteine level is 8 or 9 already, there is no need to use methylated B vitamins to get it down? That just having this lower homocysteine level and a high DHA level gives you the "winning lottery ticket in your back pocket" effect? Or, even with a homocysteine of 8 or 9, the use of methylated B vitamins is still necessary for the methylation cycle "in creating functional neuronal membranes/getting the DHA into the membrane." I sure would love to hear more about this particular subject just to be sure I am understanding it correctly. Thank you for all your amazing content