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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Cold Exposure and Heat Exposure Adaptation

Is it possible to train the body to be cold adapted and heat adapted at the same time? Cold exposure leads to certain adaptations (brown adipose tissue, circulatory changes) and heat exposure leads to adaptations (increased perspiration, blood flow changes), but does cold exposure negate the effects of heat exposure and vice versa? Is it possible to adapt to both? Thank you.

Sleep and Temperature

Part of falling asleep involves the body temperature cooling down a little. You talk about sauna use before bed and how the post-sauna cool-down can trigger the body to want to sleep. Is the body's signal to sleep based on temperature relative or absolute? In other words, is it simply the drop in body temperature that is the signal to sleep, or is it a specific body temperature that helps us fall asleep, regardless of the path it took to get there? In practical terms, is a sauna or a cold plunge/cold shower one hour before bed better for falling asleep?

An Interesting Lipids Repsonse

This is a selfish ask because my PCP and even the lipidemiologist that I have found locally does not have an answer. I am a 55 year old African American male. For a plethora of reasons (mostly family history of stroke, HTN, HLD, and ASCVD), I started low dose of rosuvastatin (10mg) + azetimibe (5mg) in late February..It took some time and the death of my mother because of a basalar stroke (fetal PCA P1 + TC of 304) to convince my PCP to prescribe the statin and the lipidemiologist added the zeta. On a recent lipid panel, all markers (TC LDL LP(a) apoB) dropped significantly as desired and expected...except for Trigs which increased by 98% (from 58 to 115). This seems contrary to EVERYTHING I have read and heard. Thoughts?

Hyperbaric treatment in dementia patients

Is there evidence that hyperbaric treatment helps patients with dementia? I found discussion of the benefits and risks of hyperbaric oxygen treatment for TBI, but wondered if it shows promise for mid-stage dementia. Thank you for your fabulous podcasts, and for the opportunity to ask questions.

Anticholinergic Drugs and Dementia

What role does short-term and/or long-term use of anticholinergic drugs play on someone's chance of developing any type of dementia?