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Strength Targets for Peter’s Patients

Does Peter have specific target strength metrics for his patients similar to his muscle mass targets as measured by ALMI/FFMI? Are there any publications that he leans on to determine average bench press, squat, deadlift, etc for general population broken out by male/female and age to then determine percentile targets? This would be super helpful in creating some goals to shoot for. Thanks for all you do!

CGM metrics for zone 2

Can you use CGM to determine zone 2 thresholds similar to lactate? For example, increasing wattage on a bike or tread until CGM begins to display a significant increase in glucose (maybe 10 mg/dl?)? Perhaps then titrating wattage until you determine max wattage without observing an increase in glucose?

Do you know about this scientist who analyses all sorts of wearables?

This guy from Netherlands living and working at the Med Uni Vienna analyses all sorts of wearables. He goes by the name "The Quantified Scientist" on YouTube. Here's an exemplary video: I'm surprised how bad the Garmin watches and how good Apple Watches are. I'm a Garmin kind of guy, so that's a bit disappointing to me.

Is there a danger to hgih B12 levels? What is the target range you recommend?

I have an MTHFR mutation that somewhat inhibits my absorption of B vitamins. It seems there are cautionary notes about raising B12 too high. Is this true?

lysophospholipid EPA - new studies

A couple new studies indicate that this form of EHA crosses the blood brain barrier better that TAG EHA, which may be helpful in treating eye disorders caused by Alzheimer’s disease and also help treat depression. Can you comment on these new studies and whether LPC DHA is even available as a supplement (or whether I need to start eating caviar)?