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Winning the Centenarian Olympics: Programming Cardio for Individuals who Strength Train

How do the recommended amounts of zone 2 and zone 5 cardio change for individuals who are training for strength and hypertrophy? Example 1: Individual trains 4x week, 45-75 min sessions Push Pull set up 4 supersets, upper body-lower body reps 10-12, resting <60seconds between supersets Example 2: Individual trains 6x week, 45-75 minutes Push Pull Leg set up 1-2 strength exercises, reps 1-5, resting 3-5 minutes 2-5 assistance exercises, reps 6-12, resting 1-3 minutes I imagine in both of these cases, particularly the first, that there is a good amount of zone 2 effects going on, so we can program less zone 2 for the individual? Or is it better to say that Power, Strength and Hypertrophy work are separate and that no matter what additional training the person is getting they should get X amount of zone 2 and Y amount of zone 5? Thanks in advance absolutely loving the program!

Will AI Help Solve Obesity?

Does AI offer any hope of finding the patterns to obesity in study data, or even personal telemetry that we can collect with smart watches, labs, and devices like CGM, that we don't seem to be able to find on our own? I'm truly starting to doubt that we will ever solve the obesity problem. I'm five decades in on life and have been obese for four of those (started around 8 years old). I've tried every approach imaginable, except GLP-1s. I've read multiple books and articles, listened to countless podcasts, and heard all the experts. I truly don't know what the answer is. I don't want to be obese. I've literally starved myself at times in my life not to be. I've lost weight, but never achieved my ideal BMI or been able to keep the weight off indefinitely. I'm so tired of being judged as weak and a sloth.

DNA and diet

I recently joined Rhonda Patrick’s website where you can download your raw 23 and me data into her analytic function. Back story I broke my foot playing tennis a while back and being more sedentary I gained weight to 139 pounds. When I started exercising again I started really focusing on eating keto. I dropped the five pounds but wanted to lose a few more and just could not seem to get below 134. The analytic of my SNPs indicated that keto was NOT a good idea for me and that I should do a diet high in complex carbs and low in saturated fats. Three weeks later I feel like I am eating more calories but have lost 4 more pounds. Would love to hear your thoughts on this. Thanks

Taurine aging effects

Hi Peter, Can you discuss the latest results that were published in Science regarding the Taurine study in mice and monkeys? Any recommendations regarding supplements and is there any potential interaction with Rapamycin? Thanks

VO2 Max protocol

I am working up to 4 each - 4 mins of all out cardio, 4 mins rest. Is it better to shorten the minutes or eliminate an interval? In other words, 4 rounds of 3 minutes or just 3 rounds.