Ask Me Anything

with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Child Nutrition

How would nutritional advice you give change (if at all) if the advice were related to toddlers and children?

Ketogenic diet - LDL-C, apoB and risk of CVD

I'm wondering about high fat diet and LDL-C and apoB. The context of my question is this study where the results indicate even though bloodmarkers change reflecting higher LDL-C and apoB there results do not indicate adverse impact on risk of CVD.

Statins and muscle pain side effect: are there alternatives?

I have high LDL. Probably familial. I’m waiting for DNA results. lp(a) = 200. All other values are great. I don’t have diabetes. Under your influence I agreed to start Crestor 10mg. It decreased my LDL from 216 to 84. After 2 months from starting it, I got pain in my legs. I don’t think I’d like to experience it my whole life. So the question is are there safe alternatives?

Evidence about EMF exposure and health

EMF exposure is a controversial issue. Physicists and engineers show that radiation is everywhere and the frequencies of the EMF (electromagnetic frequencies) that some worry about are well below the ionizing radiation frequencies of X-rays and gamma rays. Ionizing radiation is well known to cause DNA damage and lead to cancers. The general public and some doctors say that EMFs (in the non-ionizing frequency range of short radio waves to microwaves - much lower energy than even visible light) such as WiFi, Bluetooth, 5G communications, etc, can cause health issues. To my knowledge, there has never been a study showing that non-ionizing radiation can cause negative health effects. Is there any convincing evidence that you've seen linking non-ionizing radiation to negative health outcomes? If so, what is the causal mechanism? Thank you.

Lyle McDonald

How about interviewing Lyle McDonald on the podcast? Thanks for keeping the show intelligent and for bring on guests I’ve never heard of. And for keeping them long and taking deep dives.