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Resveratrol adversely affecting VO2 max

I had recently started taking 1.5g of resveratrol daily (~15mg/Kg). Within 3 weeks, my VO2 max dropped from 42.6 (I'm 51 years old) to 39.6, with no change in my workout routine. After some investigation around why the abrupt drop, I've stopped taking resveratrol based on data suggesting that higher doses may adversely affect VO2 max and am working now to recover my prior level (the decline has leveled out after I stopped and I'm now trying to build back up). However, this experience has made we wonder whether there any level of resveratrol supplementation (e.g. dosing at a lower level - such as 500 mg every other day) that provides the benefits that Dr. Sinclair has seen without the negative impact to VO2 max? Also, is there a dosing schedule relative to VO2 max interval training that would be preferable (e.g. not on days of or before more intense workouts)? Thank you!!

How to evaluate changes in risk to ASCVD following pharmaceutical intervention

Suppose a theoretical patient diagnosed with familial hypercholesterolemia and elevated lp(a). Let's say prior to intervention the labs look something like the following: ApoB 143mg/dL, lp(a) 115nmol/L. The patient is treated with high dose rosuvastatin and ezetimibe. The treatment results in a 58% reduction in ApoB, but a concomitant 37% increase in lp(a) [presumably due to statin]. Given that lp(a) is considered far more atherogenic than a standard ldl particle, can one say with any confidence that there has been an actual risk reduction by this intervention? Do we know enough to even make a judgement here?

White matter disease

Wondering if Peter or any guests have insight into things to do to prevent sequelae of white matter disease seen on MRI. I got an MRI due to migraine headaches. My mother also has multiple sclerosis, chronic progressive type. I have no MS symptoms, no hypertension, no other history (I am 47), but I have about 20 white matter lesions. Have seen 2 neurologists and they both don’t have any advice except to treat the migraines and live a “healthy” lifestyle. I am normal weight, run marathons, BP is 110’s/70’s, but I eat a relatively high carb diet to fuel the distance running. I do some weight training. What should I do to optimize my longevity and outsmart these white matter lesions?

NPO before lipid panel phlebotomy?

Recently, my wife and I have been told there is no need to fast prior to a phlebotomy to obtain a lipid panel? Is this the new recommendation? It strikes me as an incorrect approach. What are your thoughts on this? Thank you!


Peter, longtime reader, first time questioner. I recently heard a Zoe podcast with Dr. Christopher Gardner, a Stanford professor who studies protein. His take on protein is extremely different than yours - basically that almost everyone already gets more than enough and almost no one should spend any time worrying about it. Generally Zoe has seemed very thoughtful on nutrition and he seems very qualified on the subject. I wonder if you might consider addressing or even having him on the podcast to hash it out.