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Vitamin B target levels, supplementation guidelines

What are your thoughts about vitamin B supplementation? In my case, I am in my 40s trying to increase muscle strength (but not necessarily size) for health reasons and I train endurance sports non-competitively. I do this while on a diet that is mostly vegetarian with fish and milk products (including milk protein). Around here (Northern Europe), I can find lab tests for B1, B2, B6, folate and B12 in blood, but I am unsure what levels to aim for and which of these would be the most important in terms of training results and metabolic health. Also around here, there are roughly two types of vit B supplements, ”complexes” that cover all (most?) B class vitamins, or B12 that usually seems to be bundled with folate. I’m not a great fan of vitamin supplements, but I am also conscious that if one of the vit B levels would be under target, major changes to my current diet might not be easy due to a need to at least roughly coordinate a similar diet for the whole family. Havimg said this, I’d prefer to get the vitamins from food.

Red Rice Leaf vs statin

My GP wants to start me on a statin but I’ve heard red rice leaf works well too. What are your thoughts on this? I’ve read RRL can lower your LDL by 22% in three months. Is there a cut off on where you would go straight to a statin? Thoughts on this?

Missing Left Main Artery (can you find it)? 😜

Seriously, I’ve heard that if you have your your left anterior descending artery and right coronary artery coming straight from your aorta 🫀 you may have a decreased risk of heart disease, and evolutionarily, is far better than one coronary coming from aorta. I don’t know how common or uncommon this is or if it’s even been studied. Thanks 🙏


Please review the current literature, vis-a-vis, safety and efficacy of Fortetropin. If the research shows benefits outweighing potential downsides, which commercial products are safe/most effective? Thank you for considering this topic.

daily routine

(Just grant this Q is better than asking what you eat :) How do you get everything done? I appreciate your acknowledgement of how stressful the book launch, practice/pod + life has been but I'd really love hearing how you manage your day - a la Tim Ferriss daily routine questions. I struggle with efficiency as a busy veterinarian (emergency surgery / urgent care in a non-profit) - if exercise doesnt take a hit, then email/completing records does, or sleep does. I'd love to hear the PA version of Getting Things Done - I hear you crying about email and I share this, but clearly you are getting through it - how? I can't even get through text messages on some days. I struggle mightily with quickly getting through records efficiently - the standards are clearly much different for me than you, but still same basic genre. We also are starting up a training program that in the end should create more practitioners but in the short term is more work for me. Comments on creating efficiencies in charting? Comments on how to crank through client communication / referring dr communications? The only way I can reliably get 1-2 hours to train daily is to Jocko my day and wake up at 4a, but I literally dont get off clinics until 7p and there's no way I can get to bed before 10 or 11. I have bought into the whole valuation of sleep thing, but I do miss my old 4-5 hour sleep schedule - much more conducive to getting all the things done.