Ask Me Anything

with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Average Sleeping HRV

Hi there. I’ve been tracking my sleep via my Apple Watch using an app called SleepWatch. Over the last 6 months of tracking I’m wrestling to improve one particular sleep metric: my average sleeping HRV. On a handful of times mine has reached a score between 40-70. Rest of the times I’m ranging between 13-35. I’ll note, on the day it’s really low, I feel it in my body - I wake up feeling wiped and the day is rough. Alternatively, on the handful of days I’ve woken up with s score of over 40, I feel significantly better. I’ve tried the regular exercise, no late night eating including a 3 hour gap between dinner and bedtime and haven’t had alcohol in over s year. I would so love to hear your thoughts on the matter and tools to improve this metric and my overall sense of physical wellbeing.

Ablation for afib, severing vagus nerve connection to the heart impacting HRV and resting heart rate

Hi. My Cardiologist (EP) explained about the effectiveness of an ablation for my paroxysmal afib. He also mentioned that more recently they've identified the vagus nerve as a potential culprit (in addition to the nerves where the pulmonary veins connect). In the procedure, often the vagal preganglionic nerves can be damaged which can impact HRV and also raise resting heart rate by 10+ bpm. How does the raising of resting heart rate and the lowering of HRV as a result of a medical procedure affect healthspan?

Business Model for Medicine 3.0

Would love a podcast episode on a business model for Medicine 3.0…insurance, testing, telehealth, and AI/tech. Also we need Centenarian Decathlete workout merch :)

Thyroid deep dive

A cursory search of submitted questions shows several asking for a deep dive on all things thyroid. Such an episode has been mentioned on a couple older AMA episodes, e.g, 10, but seems to have been placed on the back burner. Any chance you all can make this a priority for 2023? It’s a major health issue for many Americans and seems to be a big hole in your coverage. Love the work, thanks!

Did you know?

1) Abbot Labs, will give you ONE FREE CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitor) to try, with a doctors prescription. ( A great backdoor to the insurance companies...) 2) I have a retired Cardiologist tell me STATINS are bad, Spoke with my Endocrinologist; got on another drug other than a statin; AND no longer have PAIN in my joints. 3) On longevity, I have a friend you should interview. Former Professional Soccer player, Retired Tennis pro. is 80 years old. Went through a BAD car accident earlier last year. Doctors thought he would be in ICU for months, and in recovery for more months. He's home and walking about and as active as ever 6 months later. Defying the doctors predictions. My self and a few friends that know him knew better than the docs, about his ability to recover; knew he would be back in record time. He's not a doctor, but knows a lot about the body. Up until recently riding his bicycle 50 miles a day. I can go on. If you would like to speak with him. I can arrange it. He has pictures of himself in the garage with Tennis Greats from the 80's and 90's. Why not LEARN from someone who has prepared well for longevity AND come back from a A MAJOR trauma recently. He's a living embodiment of what you're looking for. You may also want to visit us here in the NAPA Valley and enjoy some of the wine and food.