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Rapamycin pro-coagulant effects?

I'm a big fan of rapamycin and pulse it every second week. My one concern is its impacts on the cardiovascular system via increased lipids and via what seems to be a thickening of the blood. Would you have any insights into these potential side effects? If your team has the time, there's a fantastic thread on this subject here:

Autoimmunity, MS

Dear Doctor, I was wondering whether there was an episode scheduled discussing autoimmunity, particularly Multiple Sclerosis? Though these are typically diseases of younger people, but, the incidence seems to be rising in the last few decades. How would you explain this phenomenon, apart from the usual "multifactorial, possibly lifestyle and environmental factors playing a crucial role" explanation? Don't you think, that perhaps this phenomenon might worth a brief discussion? Thank you.

Metabolic testing

I am a retired physician who is looking for the best lab/person to refer people who want metabolic testing, VO2max, dexascan etc to give the best working knowledge…leaning in to your “back casting”!!

Lp(a) and Niacin

In your podcast episode #210 – Lp(a) and its impact on heart disease with Benoît Arsenault, Ph.D. - you both dismissed the use of Niacin in a treatment approach for elevated Lp(a). The conversation turned a different direction before discussing WHY? I've used Niacin in my approach for treating elevated Lp(a) in several patients. Why have you eliminated this use case from your approach?

Fasting regimens

My understanding is that Peter tried a 7 days fast regimen for a period of time replacing it with a 3 days one. Any insights on the differences? We have not heard an AMA dedicated to fasting in a while ... Thank you!