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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Plant based Omega 3 Options

Whats your opinion on algae-based Omega-3 products (seaweed extract)? Claim a better DHA/EPA ratio than fishoil (plus no mercury concerns). There are a lot of plant based options and i just wonder if they are as good as the fish oil ones... Thanks!

Occasional non-diabetic hypoglycemia

Thank you in advance both Peter and Bob and everyone else involved, for the time you spend on our questions and the information you provide. I would love to know your thoughts on low blood sugar and how to deal with occasional non-diabetic hypoglycemia while time restricted feeding? I experience occasional/random episodes of what appear to be hypoglycemia (don't have CGM yet) while doing time restricted feeding (16/8). Haven't been able to find a pattern or pint point possible causes to these episodes. Any advise on how to prevent such events? Thank you so much!

Peter's medical practice

HI Peter. First off, thank you for all you do! The sharing of knowledge and distillation of the medical research is of tremendous value to so many people. I too, am a trained general surgeon that went into "functional medicine" (for lack of a better term) to help people address their problems in ways that most of the medical field misses. From what I can tell, very much like your practice. My question is, would you ever consider an episode, or series of episodes, based on the topic of your practice. I believe that there are many practitioners that would be interested in this. Have ever considered sharing or "franchising" your practice model? Or expanding with other employees. (For example- Dr Daniel Amen, and the Amen Clinics) You already have re-invented the wheel, with all your patient information and patient education materials that you have set up. You could easily license and sell the intellectual property that you have. This could expand the number of people that benefit from your knowledge many fold. (As I, and other's, branch into this field, we are all starting from scratch, as none of these things exist.) There is tremendous patient demand for the info you share. Many multiples of the number that listen to your podcast. Thanks for addressing this.

Building cardio endurance continuous output sports (running, swimming) vs high intensity interval sports (basketball, soccer)

Is zone 2 training the best way to build endurance for sports like soccer, basketball, hockey, and rugby, which, unlike cycling, running, and swimming, do not have continuous levels of energy output but instead involve short bouts of high-intensity output interspersed with periods of standing, walking, and jogging? I am a college athlete playing Gaelic football and want to know the best way to build endurance. (garlic football is very similar endurance-wise to soccer).

Approach to fasting depending on age and fitness demands

Should somebody's approach to prolonged fasting vary depending on their age? I am 22 and am concerned that taking 3-day fasts once a month could impede my growth. What about time restricted eating? I am also a student-athlete and although I can time my prolonged fasts so that I am not in a prolonged fast during a game, I am concerned that prolonged fasts and time-restricted eating could impede my recovery and performance.