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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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How much of a loss falling out to Zone 2?

I love riding on my bike outside but I know that I leave Zone 2 from time to time. But if I get back in Zone 2 as soon as possible, does a switch to burning glucose, have a persistent detrimental effect on the ride? I wouldn't know about Zone 2 at all without your trustworthy and informative podcast. Thank you very much.

Lactate Meter

It's my understanding, and that of my colleagues, that you use a lactate meter as a tool to help define your HR zones and monitor your lactate levels during exercise. Please describe a program we can employ to use a lactate meter and an HR monitor to help define HR zones and monitor performance progress as we train

LCHF+fasted workouts=risk for bone fractures?

Hi Peter and team - looking for your take on maximizing bone health. I'm a bit concerned by and how it could alter my daily routine of performing daily fasted training (Z2 aerobic and/or resistance) while simultaneously minimizing carbohydrate intake. Your input is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Guest suggestion

I always enjoy your shows about metabolic health, hormones, and dementia. I have a suggestion for a guest who seems to be an expert on all three. (I don't know him personally, but came across some of his work when researching in Pubmed.) If you Pubmed his name, Christian Pike, you'll find many interesting journal articles. Here's the url to his bio at USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology:

Decisiontree Statin

Sorry for my english. Can Peter make a decision tree to decide when one needs statin. Including what tests are needed i.e. calcium score, lp litte a etc. Also briefli discuss the safty of Statin, which one are best for side effects. I know there are a lot of Podcasts but decision tree that sumarizes all would be great.