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Fueling for the athlete with Type 2 Diabetes.

I am a 52 year old male athlete who competes recreationally in mid distance to Ultra running events. I am starting to train for a full Ironman in 1 year. In light of the December 2010 joint position statement by The American College of Sports Medicine and the American Diabetes Association entitled; Exercise and Type 2 Diabetes, how should an athlete with Type 2 fuel prior to an event or particularly long hard workout. The study states; "Insulin-stimulated BG uptake into skeletal muscle predominates at rest and is impaired in type 2 diabetes, while muscular contractions stimulate BG transport via a separate additive mechanism not impaired by insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes.". Based on this concept I see no issue with me being able to effectively fuel intra-workout but how should an athlete fuel pre-event.....the big pre-race pasta dinner clearly not being an option. What are the mechanisms that allow for a sufficient uptake of glycogen into the muscles while in an insulin resistant state? Thanks for your insight.

Methionine Restriction and Selenium Supplementation

Bob and Peter, what do you guys think about the role that methionine restriction should play in the DR lever of a nutrition plan? How about supplementing with selenium to get some of those benefits? Here's the recent article that obviously prompted my question: "Selenium supplementation inhibits IGF-1 signaling and confers methionine restriction-like healthspan benefits to mice," found here: Dane New Orleans

FMD vs. Water Fasting

I recently tried Valter Longo's fasting-mimicking diet and found it infinitely easier than water fasting. What am I missing out on by doing FMD instead of water fasting?

walking after eating

What are the benefits of walking after eating? For how long should you walk? Can you go immediately after eating or is it better to wait say 15-30mins after eating before going for a walk? Thanks.

All Things Nicotine Addiction

Why is nicotine so addictive? What are the known mechanisms? Are their supplements that could be taken to readjust the biochemistry away from this addiction (other than just not smoking)?