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Biomarkers for at-home Dx

I am a Stanford bioengineering student working on a longevity panel for at-home monitoring of clinically relevant biomarkers. My hope is to close the feedback loop on anti-aging interventions for biohackers and clinical trials alike. I would am curious to know which circulating proteins you would be most interested in tracking on a weekly or monthly basis.

Possible Show on Meniscus Transplants?

Hi Peter! You've previously had Eric Chehab on the show, and was wondering if you could perhaps do another show on meniscus transplants. In the episode the only surgery regarding the meniscus is a meniscectomy. I had a partial meniscectomy performed on my lateral meniscus when I was around 20 years old. A few years ago (2017ish) I developed arthritis. I heard about meniscus repairs being done in Japan ( and had looked for potential help with my pain for years. Then I found a surgeon, Dr. Stone, right down the road from me who was performing meniscus transplants at I end up having the surgery and I can't tell you how glad I am to be able to walk without pain again. Thought it might make an interesting addition the podcast!

Sleep Disordered Breathing

Hello. I was wondering if you have considered doing a show dedicated solely towards understanding sleep apnea and sleep disordered breathing? This is a huge topic of research in dentistry and specifically my field (orthodontics) and I see more and more kids that are overweight and either have diagnosed sleep apnea or more frequently undiagnosed sleep disordered breathing issues (enlarged tonsils/adenoids, nasal stuffiness, decreased airway volume, etc). In orthodontics we play a role in screening for these issues but also have the ability to expand the jaws and potentially increase airway volume and decrease the resistance to airflow through the nasal cavity. I find that parents and patients are often very surprised to hear their orthodontist discussing these issues and increased awareness amongst the medical community and general public would be very useful. As you know there are many issues that decreased or poor quality sleep are associated with specifically in children so I think this topic fits within the scope of your podcast very nicely when considering both lifespan and healthspan. Thank you.

Fasting for Low Body Fat % Adults

At what point is it dangerous for a person to engage in a prolonged fast (around 72 hours) if that person has low body fat %? Assuming body fat% of anywhere from 5-10%. What would you measure in order to see the detrimental effects of fasting? Would you still encourage shorter fasting periods for this person?

Male Reproductive Health

I was wondering if could cover specifically male reproductive health sometime? I realize a lot of the content overlaps, such as endocrine health, but it would nice to have more in depth analysis on the subject. Even providing some good book suggestions or research papers on would be great! Thanks