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Follow up on fat flux AMA

Can you please delve into how polycystic ovary syndrome and cortisol affect fat flux? I know it is complicated, but you do complicated better than anyone I know and there are a million women out there who would like to understand this better.

Bariatric Surgery

Just wondering if you will do a podcast on bariatric surgery, or share your thoughts and expertise on it in an AMA. I see so many people having this done and little to no major complications. And the people who have done have had incredible weight loss and increased energy and so have started more seriously considering it as an option for myself. Thanks

The JuiceBox Podcast

Just wondering if you’d ever consider having Scott Benner on your podcast about his T1D podcast. Thanks

Centenarians Olympics

Can you release a printable pamphlet showing an exhaustive list of what you currently believe to be the best workouts for all parts of your body for the "Centenarians Olympics"?

Covid-19 vaccine's impact on menstruation

Hi, Dr. Attia. I've been reading that many women are experiencing very heavy cycles following their covid-19 vaccination. I've asked close friends who have confirmed their experience. There probably isn't enough data on this, but can you discuss the impact on estrogen and other hormones. Here is one article that discusses it briefly:, as well as a tweet/twitter feed: As someone who has suffered from PCOS since haven taken the Depo Provera birth control injection, this gives me pause. After 3 injections, I'd gained a whopping 40 pounds and had no menstrual cycle for 5 years. When my cycles returned they were anovulatory. I'm hesitant to take anything that could potentially disturb my hormones any more than they already are. Would love to hear your thoughts on this.