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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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State of the Nation: A Summary to Date

Is there or can there be a to-date summary of the best recommendations across key categories? It would be excellent to have a podcast or AMA holistically summarising the best advice to date across key categories: exercise, nutrition, sleep, mental health, recommended testing per age, supplement do's & don'ts, etc. I am not medical or technical and feel an episode bringing all together at a practical level would be extremely valuable.

Follow up regarding non-HDL cholesterol study

Hi Peter: As a Cardiothoracic Surgeon with an interest (and now a Telemedicine practice) on metabolic health, I was intrigued by the study your referenced in the newsletter yesterday regarding non-HDL cholesterol as an early marker of CVD risk. Do you think that non-HDL cholesterol is too broad a marker, as there may be discordance in certain people, for instance with low VLDL/Lp(a) but high LDL-c? That pattern is increasingly seen, as you know, in people on low-carb diets, many of whom have CAC scores of 0. The broader question remains is metabolic health (avoiding insulin resistance) more important that lipids?

Stem cell patches...

For use in recovery from surgery or injury (minor to major) and for use as a general supplement for better health and well being...thanks!

AMA Episodes as a sperate Feed ?

Being not a doctor or science person sometimes I see that AMA sessions make more useful for a practical implementation. Can we make AMA Episodes as a separate feed . I find it difficult to search those episodes inside the drive. Also it helps on listening multiple times easier

oura ring defects

hi dr attia, do you still wear an oura ring, and if so, what feature or datapoint do you find most useful on an ongoing basis? have you experienced any inaccuracies or defects with your oura rings? i was personally disappointed to receive 2 defect rings in a row, and the 1st replacement took over 6 weeks to receive. as an investor/advisor, perhaps this feedback (albeit n of 1) is helpful. from my limited perspective, the company and its tech seems to be failing on the basic tenets of even the most basic SLA.