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Extra Virgin Olive Oil

What is "extra virgin” olive oil, and what do you look for when purchasing it?

Exercise and longevity obsessiveness

Hi Peter and team - how do you recommend people not become obsessed by: diet/macros, lipids, supplements, stretching mobility, exercise approaches, meditation, lab testing, self monitoring, etc? How much time does Peter recommend working people allot to managing these things vs play with kids, time with friends/loved ones, etc? Perhaps Peter can share his methods for managing the risk of obsessive self-focus here, or interview experts on a pod cast? Reason for asking: View insta/youtube, RSS etc it's easy to get 100s of things "you should do" even from credible experts - 1. it's stressful to try and fit all this in 2. It can harm your important relationships esp if they aren't similarly obsessed :) Thanks for giving this some air time!

Genetic cause of insulin resistance. management techniques

Hello - thanks for your awesome content on IR In the past. You spend a lot of time on strategies/tactics for managing lip profiles; how do you recommend people deal with IR in general and in the case where it doesn't respond to diet/exercise? Therapies like Ozempic and Jardiance are promising but from my experience have terrible side effects (nausea and mood changes to name two). Any additional insights here? Thanks

Troubling study regarding long term ketosis

What are your thoughts on this study;

HRV, health and longevity

Can you do a deep dive on HRV and how you use it to gauge fitness, health etc? What do you do if anything to improve or impact your HRV? Do you believe in neurostimulators (like Apollo) for this (they have trial data)?