Ask Me Anything

with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Women and cardiovascular disease

How would you change your approach if at all in treating women vs men. Are there differences in the risk/effectiveness for common drugs like statins in women vs. men?

A Physical Therapists input

Peter and team, I love this podcast, full stop. I’ve been a long time subscriber and have always loved the content. Full disclosure, I’m a Physical Therapist. The last episode with Dr Rintala left me very frustrated. While some of the techniques and strategies demonstrated can certainly be valuable, I don’t believe it’s for the reasons he described. I think some of his ways of thinking/educating are potentially damaging to people (ie: I have to move in a certain way or I’ll damage myself, and giving people the notion that if they don’t sequence muscles in a particular way they are left vulnerable). This type of messaging could potential dissuade those from moving more. The body is highly adaptable. Everything that was said about upper crossed syndromes, posture, and muscle firing/timing has been disproven with literature and is outdated. Peter o’Sullivan who originally researched muscle timing and supported it, now has completely done a 180 degree turn and has supported this with research that it doesn’t matter at all. What I feel like would be really valuable for your listeners is a deeper dive on pain and tightness/symptoms. You started to hit a little bit of this today when you eloquently described the role of muscle tightness. Beth also talked about some of these concepts at a basic level. I work in an environment where I get to work with a large corporation and educate them on these topics. I can tell you first hand that educating people on pain, movement, damage (what’s important in scans and what’s not) is incredibly valuable in keeping people moving in the long term (ie: most people have some form of degenerative disc disease or disc bulge at a certain age and most are asymptomatic). The biomechanical model has been really adapted the past 10 years or so as pain is way more complex then simply tissue injury. Please consider having someone like Peter O’Sullivan, Greg Lehman, Jarod hall, or lorimer Moseley on the show. I think they’ll really expand some of your thoughts and will make for a really valuable PAD with a lot of engagement from your audience. I’m happy to share tons of research. Just reach out. Thanks for all you do. I’m always excited to see what the podcast is going to be on Mondays.

AMA #21 Olive oil and cooking.

Hello, just heard the AMA #21 today and was wondering about olive oil and cooking, extra virgin vs standard in cooking? Does it make a difference? A lot of people use olive oil for cooking but nothing was mentioned about this on the podcast. Kind regards, Pieter Gruber

Isotretinoin and early onset ASVD

Do you see a risk in a 6-10 month course of isotretinoin in creating an environment of for early ASVD?

Spermidine and Longevity

What are your thoughts on spermidine and longevity?