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mech. of pathologic intracellular DAG accumulation

What is the mechanism of intra-myocyte DAG accumulation? And what regulates this? I loved your podcast with Dr Shulman, and your follow up AMA deepdive into insulin resistance. It appears that intracellular DAG accumulation is pivotal in understanding the pathogenesis of IR. However, what causes the DAG to accumulate in the first place?


Can you do a podcast on FH and what factors should patients consider when making a decision about medications. I have spent the past year and half trying to figure out what to do. I am ketogenic but have a high CAC score. I have found the information from various experts to be so confusing. I think it’s because the focus is usually on low risk folks, and not applicable to higher risk folks like myself. I had just assumed I was low risk and because I was eating ketogenically I was good to go I have been now able to piece together enough information rom many of your podcasts to figure out that I am really high risk, what to do, to understand why, and to have confidence in the cardiologist I am working with - instead of rejecting his recommendations. Your comments about assuming that just because the medical profession was wrong about diet, doesn’t mean they are wrong about CVD. Thank you for giving enough information to figure a lot of this out. Again thanks for your podcasts and I love Tom Dayspring. He is kinda like a wise grandpa that tells you like it is. He so makes me laugh when he expresses strong opinions.

Berberine and muscle atrophy/ reduced protein synthesis

Hi, Writing a paper for class about the use of berberine for treatment in T2D (Herbal nutrition class). Wrapping things up towards the end and I'm really not sure how I stumbled upon this. I was aware of the glycolysis pathway being up-regulated but because of this- "an increase in atrogin-1 expression not only is associated with increased protein degradation by the ubiquitin-proteasome system, but it also can interfere with protein synthesis by promoting the degradation of factors regulating synthesis." Which is a byproduct of supplementing with berberine. Didn't know if you were aware of this effect/ if other glucose lowering pharma treatments were similar/ is this possible to mediate?

blood panel

Hi Peter, in a previous episode, you offered that you would document the blood panels that you would request and the optimal ranges you would look for. I think many of us would appreciate this info and will understand all the caveats that you are not our doctor, people are different, etc. But taking health into our own hands, certainly requires tests and tracking. Thanks!

Does ashwagandha promote Hyperinsulinemia ?

Hi, I'm a big fan of the stress reducing benefits of ashwagandha as a nutritional supplement. Supposedly, it also regulates blood glucose by making muscles more insulin sensitive and by upregulating the production of insulin. This last effect seems undesirable to me and might stress the pancreas. So, is it a good idea to take ashwagandha through the lens of trying to prevent or remedy hyperinsulinemia (insulin resistance)?