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Coffee consumption affecting brain new study

Hi, I wonder what do you think of the new study done by Swiss on the coffee consumption and its effect on brain's grey matter? It has been published in Cerebral Cortex journal

Stearic Acid supplementation

Do you believe a stearic acid supplement could change a persons metabolic rate or help with visceral fat loss? Is there any type of patient you wouldn’t recommend taking this sort of supplement?

Exercising While Sick

What, if any, types of exercises are recommended (or not recommended) when one has a cold or other type of short-term, mild illness?

Fasting and Cancer

What is your take on the likelihood that cancer cells in individuals already having developed cancer could grow resistant to the benefits of prolonged fasting? (i.e. more robust apoptosis-resistant cancer cells) Might it be better to only use fasting concurrently with standard treatments (chemo/radiation) to reduce the probability of resistance occurring and to maximize the effects of both fasting and the standard of care?

Pregnancy and the Covid Vaccine

What are the recent results and ongoing studies related to the safety of the Covid-19 vaccine and pregnancy? Are there trimester-specific studies?