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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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What are your thoughts on sulforaphane ? For health, longevity, prevention ?

Advice for Canadian Physicians

Hi! I absolutely love your content for both personal and professional reasons, however I can imagine that I will struggle to implement the type of care you provide for patients in our public healthcare system in Canada. Any advice for us docs in your old stomping ground? Thanks!

Blood Flow Restriction Training

First, thank you for your (and your teams) work. Definitely have helped me and my families understand/apply factors that improve health span. My question: do you have any advise regarding Blood Flow Restriction Training regarding effectiveness, safety, training schedule for seniors?

Vaccine affect on Heart Rate Variability

I recently received 1st Pfizer vaccine, the next morning my HRV (Oura ring) plummeted to 21 ms. My 14 day average at that point was 75ms. It's been a week since and my HRV has been slightly better but still very low (between 25 - 40). Wondering if this is expected and if there is a physiological explanation? Also, should I "back off" exercise Zone-2 jogging until my "normal" HRV is restored. THANK YOU

Oura Ring

Given all the members who now have Oura rings, can you do a deeper dive into understanding the data on the app, its accuracy, its utility and the like? As well as related topics such as understanding HRV.