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Intramyocellular lipid accumulation

There's been a clear point made that intramyocellular lipid accumulation and insulin resistance are closely linked, but what is causing the intramyocellular lipid accumulation in the first place? How do we prevent it?


Do you ever use the CGM data to determine the OGTT results? Is it comparable to blood values?

Vaccine long term

Dear Peter, I know you said that you and your wife have received the vaccine. What are your thoughts on the unknown long term possible problems. My wife (69) and I (72) are getting our first shot soon, but I am very skeptical—not much trust in the government handling of this problem— Thanks

ApoB/ApoA ratio

Hi Peter, I’m 50 with RA, very fit, lean and mostly healthy! A1c 4.8 serum insulin 2.5 hS CRP <0.1 Homocysteine 7. Trigs 70 HDL 40 ldl usually 100-115. But my Apo 105 Apo1 124 high? Since I’m obsessed with my health what’s your thoughts please?

Can Fasted Zone 2 performance be used as a gauge?

Hi Dr. Attia, I've been working on my zone 2 performance for about 2 months now, testing myself with the method described by Dr. Maffetone in your podcast. I've noticed that while my performance is improving, when I tested myself fasted on the second day the distance covered in 20 mins decreased significantly (12% decrease; I don't have data from the third day). Is it fair to say I am not as well adapted or is this a result of stress coming from the fast? In general, would this be a good gauge for MAF? / Would testing oneself fasted be a good way to see if it's time to take training to the next step? Would a well fat-adapted person see much difference in their performance in similar situations?