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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Lumen product review

Hi Peter. I am loving your podcast -- thank you! I wanted to ask for your thoughts or product review on Lumen (, specifically on its accuracy in measuring fat vs carb burn at a particular moment. Have you tried Lumen and do you recommend?

Wim Hoff - The 'Iceman'

What do you think about Wim Hoff and his method, especially cold exposure and his claims to achieve various amazing health benefits e.g. experiment in US of injecting a various and control over immune reaction etc...

Berberine safety

The evidence that Berberine is affective in lowering glucose, as well as cholesterol seems to be high. However, there seems to also be a lot of information that it might not be safe if taken long term. Do you know about any good scientific evidence regarding effective dose and long term safety?

insulin resistance as a response to rapid cell growth

Hello Dr. Attia - thank you so much for being a portal for information for me. I appreciate you very much! I have a question - has anyone studied insulin resistance as a response to rapid cell growth? Here's the thinking behind it - because insulin is a growth hormone, would a body's resistance serve to slow rapid cell growth (before it became cancerous). Also, research seems to indicate that people with Type 2 are more prone to cancer. Could that be because the rapid cell growth that leads to cancer had already started prior to the diabetes diagnosis? I am not a medical professional. Just a curious Type 2 (diagnosed Dec 2019). Thank you for your time!

Unfiltered Coffee

Does drinking unfiltered coffee adversely effect heart health (I've been using a french press and moka pot for 15+ years)? My mother's instance that it does after having seen the story on the Today show, is taking pleasure away from my morning coffee routine. I'm really hoping for some good news here...