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Bowel inflammatory disease

I have a brother with Crohn's disease. Any ideas or suggestions about the topic? Some well known experts to learn about? Thanks guys! Regards from Spain

Tricking the brain and pushing the limits of performance

Does the brain limit our peak physiological performance? Can we "trick" the brain or "turn-off" its warning signs and increase our thresholds for pain, fatigue, endurance, etc.? ( i.e. Jens Voight's "Shut Up Legs", Eddy Merckx's hour record, Breaking 2-hour marathon time) Thanks!

Is there a reason to take the vaccine if you've already had covid?

I had covid a few months ago and recently tested positive for the antibodies. Is there any reason to take the vaccine? Most everyone you ask says yes but no one seems to really have any sound data on the topic.

36yr Male- what core blood tests do I need ?

Hello I just joined and I need help if you can point me in the right direction on the following: 1- need to know the top most comprehensive blood tests I should get as a 36yr old male? I’d like to know all my core levels, nutritional deficiencies, my T levels, and any other core metrics that gives detailed detailed insight, so I can improve my overall health. What would you all recommend? Or is there a section on the site that answers this ? Thanks in advance. I’m looking to schedule this soon as possible.

Retail lab work?

I have Kaiser insurance, they don't offer LDL-P or ApoB, and they don't offer Lp(a) testing. And, I'm pretty sure the CRP isn't "high sensitivity" as you've mentioned. I imagine labs are popping up and changing all the time. I'd love to see a current list of labs you'd recommend to those of us paying out of pocket.