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phosphotidylserine and cortisol

What is the relationship between high dose PS and cortisol signaling?

Interventions to reduce cortisol spikes while sleeping

What are some interventions that could help keep cortisol from spiking at, say, 2 am?

Relationship of subclinical hypothyroidism with dyslipidemia primarily atherogenic particles

What is the relationship and mechanisms (cause & effect) involved with higher TSH, elevated RT3 numbers (low FT3/RT3 ratio) and higher Total Cholesterol, LDL, Apo B numbers?

Refeeding Syndrome

I searched in the AMA section and didn't see anything. After doing some research from various doctors and Dr. Attia I started doing some fasting. After a couple of 48 hour fasts I decided to try a 7 day fast. Four days into it I started reading about "refeeding syndrome" and its potentially fatal effects. I also read that people could be at risk after 5 days of fasting. It seems that most people at risk are malnourished or very lean already. Is this something an otherwise healthy 50 year old should worry about?

Glucose monitoring

Peter with your emphasis on glucose control and your focus on understanding the nitty-gritty of laboratory values. I think it would be appropriate to discuss blood draw glucose levels, fingerstick glucose levels and continuous glucose monitoring techniques, the relationship to each other their variability and accuracy etc. etc.