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Autoimmune Disorders

Could you talk about the role of exercise and nutrition in mediating the health span of people with auto immune disorders, like Hashimoto’s Graves, etc.


Hello! I have a very complicated knee that requires fixing.I have been an athlete my whole life and have had multiple knee surgeries due to an accident when I was 28. Unfortunately the patellofemoral replacement in the right knee failed on day two. The short story is that I have not had a kneecap in that knee since 2011 which required 2 more salvage procedures. . I have remained as active as I can having had to omit running, which was my life support! As time goes on my leg is now bowing out, and I am bone on bone in both the lateral and medial compartments. Pain and instability are pretty intense, and the damage continues to progress as I wait for better solutions. I am looking for a specialist who can replace my knee and potentially use a robotic component for knee extension which is impaired by the lack of a kneecap. As a public artist, I have also used my upper body carving stone with pneumatic hammers, and I’m now bone on bone in both shoulders. Yikes! I need to do something so that I can remain physically active for my grandchildren and for life in general :-) I would love to know your thoughts about, how to proceed. Thank you so much!

Senior basic training programm

Hi Peter, As you can see I'm a huge fan of your work. I'm spanish 47 yo living in Bali for the last 12 years. I'm a masters crossFit athlete, training hard and smart to be the best version of myself. For now my question is about my parents. They are 67 and 69 yo and I would like to give them some rouitne for training such a basic weighlifting and some zone 2 days. Would you be able to give me some basic information for them. Unfortunately they don't speak English so that is why is going through me. Thanks in advance

Skin cancer and protection - Vitamin A and Niacinamide roles?

I listened to the episode this morning about Vitamin D and Skin Cancer, Sunscreens, and found the information on sunscreens very helpful as we enter the July 4th holiday! Two questions that I was hoping would be included, but we're not covered, in this AMA episode were the use of Niacinamide orally as recommended by Dermatologists for people with either multiple AK lesions or proven SCC, and how does Vitamin A or topical Retinoids work with skin care either for solar aging, acne, or risks of toxicity?

4x4 Vo2 max protocol

Can one do the 4x4 training using this protocol? Using 4 different modalities Example On the Minute AMRAPS 1st minute...Bike 2nd minute...burpees 3rd minute...jump rope 4th minute...KB swings