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High Protein Intake and High BUN and BUN/Creatinine

Hi, I've taken the frequently repeated advice to consume approximately 1.6-2.2g protein/kg bodyweight each day to support a regular strength training regimen. A recent metabolic panel found that I had elevated Blood Urea Nitrogen (>25mg/dL) as well as a high Nitrogen/Creatinine ratio (>20:1). I see that these out of range values can be caused by both a high protein diet and dehydration, both of which may have played a role (I hadn't had water in 12 hours). Sources on the internet also say that it can be indicative of upper GI bleeding and impaired kidney function, so I'm wondering if these undesirable situations can be ruled out. How common is it that a high protein diet is the direct cause of high BUN and BUN/Creatinine ratio and when would it be wise to get concerned about kidney health when other measures of kidney function (like eGFR) are otherwise normal? Thanks!

Maintaining fitness during pregnancy

I am considering a further pregnancy in my early 40s but am concerned about losing the fitness and strength I have worked hard for. Any tips on exercise routines to maintain amd even build fitness through pregnancy

Gammahydroxybutarate GHB for Insomnia

Seems like this drug works against insomnia. The fringe folks are discussing how threatened competitors took GHB down, but it seems that it is really effective. Deep dive?

Podcast on Epilepsy

Hello Peter, I'm the father of a child with epilepsy. Although we were dealing with the diagnosis for some years now we still regularly learn new things for treating symptoms, the lastest being Omega3 and vitamin B12 supplementation. These seem easy and obvious once you discover them, but nevertheless no doctor or physician told us about these, we found out ourselves. What's more, these "treatment options" usually earn us only disbelieve or straightup resistence from medical professionals. Since you cover a wide variety of topics and experts on the podcast and there are already some questions in the forum adressing epilepsy, why not make a podcast episode on this topic? There are more than 40 different drugs used for treatment, but most come with a wide range of side effects (some of these even causing seizures themselves). I'd love to know where the research on this topic stands as of now as well as different treatment options and developmental and longevity implications.

High Lp(a) and Vascular Dementia

I have high Lp(a) at 162 mg/dL per Boston Heart lab, but no family history of early death from ASCVD going back at least 3 generations. However, my father had ASCVD, experiencing his only heart attack at 76 years old. He had 3 stents placed at that time, placed on statin therapy, and died at 90 years old from a massive pulmonary embolism (likely Lp(a) blood clotting?). My question is the symptoms of vascular dementia that he displayed and were progressive until his death and the relationship with elevated Lp(a). Have studies or case reports of elevated Lp(a) and vascular dementia been documented? I should add that my mother is almost 89 years old and has incredible cognitive abilities and no diagnosed ASCVD.