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Sun damage through windows

In episode #308 – AMA #61 (Sun exposure, sunscreen, and skin health), Peter mentioned the truck driver whose skin aged much more on one side of his face than the other due to much greater sun exposure there. I think Peter said this occurred even though the car window would have been closed a fair amount. That raises the question of how concerned we should be about sun exposure through windows, including in cars, at home, and at the office.

Thoughts on Metabolically Healthy Obesity?

Just read an article on MHO that seemed pretty biased towards epidemiological observations and BMI data, which I’ve always found murky at best (the article also largely ignored the role of skeletal muscle/overall body comp in its musings). I’m not very convinced on the practical validity of MHO beyond it potentially representing a super rare minority of the obese population, and I’m worried that a new categorization of “healthy obese people” may mislead many into thinking one’s metabolic health is not strongly tied to their body composition. What are your thoughts on MHO? Would this picture be clearer if we could magically replace epidemiological BMI-based population data with more accurate body comp data like that from a DEXA scan, for example?

Does botox injection into massater majoris negatively impact healthspan down the line?

Dentists sometimes suggest botox injections into the masseter majoris for patients who clench their jaws, in order to reduce the damage from clenching. Since this weakens the jaw muscles permanently, and we know chewing to be important for nose breathing and health in general, does the botox treatment seem like a reasonable approach, or a bad idea, as ammortized over the course of a lifespan?

Impact of beta blockers, calcium channel blocker, and ace inhibitor on VO2 max and other exercie metrics

I see a cardiologist yearly because of a congenital heart issue corrected when I was young. I have no exercise restrictions, but I take a beta blocker, calcium channel blocker, and ace inhibitor to correct the hypertension and PVCs I was experiencing. Understanding how to think about VO2 max and zone 2 workouts would be appreciated.

Cancer Screening

Is there a definitive list of say the most common 10/15 cancers and the screening tests that can be done and when they should be done/at what age/risk factors etc? Thank you