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VO2max vs Overtraining

How do you reconcile the thought that increasing VO2max negatively correlates with mortality without an upper limit on benefit with the risks of overtraining discussed with Dr James O'Keefe?

Brain improvement supplements

Is there any support for the idea that Prevagen or Neuriva, or other commonly cited brain performance supplements, actually do any good?

Economics of aging

Not a question but a suggestion. You should have a podcast interviewing Andrew Scott, an economist who has studied the implications of aging for our society, as well as for public policy. He is a big advocate of policies that are responsive to the shifting demographics. Also, economics matters a lot to quality of longevity. Here is a link to his research: and he has written a recent book called "The Longevity Imperative" that you would enjoy.

Strength over 50

Just got done with the podcast from this week. What I missed is… Should the strength training focus on certain muscle groups also, after bodyweight progression or for those who have been lifting weights some what do you recommend in terms of body parts, sets, and reps? I did pick up on the performing to failure. Thank you.

Minimum effective dose exercise - gaining vs. maintaining fitness

I try to follow your recommendation for roughly an hour a day of exercise (mixing in 3 strength sessions, 3 Zone 2 sessions, 1 Zone 5 session per week) as frequently as I can. But inevitably seasons of life compromise the ability to log that much volume all the time (job with cyclical projects; young kids with summers out of school; etc.). During those seasons of life that are busy for months at a time, how can I adapt my workout schedule to be most efficient just to preserve my fitness level until I can get back into "gains" mode? For example, during the 6 months November-April when kids are in school, work/travel is slower, and there are fewer competing activities, I could see putting in "gain" volume, but April - October I might like to be in "maintain" mode.