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SNP testing ( IntellixDNA) ready for prime time?

IntellixDNA tests SNPs for things like predisposition to diabetes and make patient specific recommendations. E.G. Skinny diabetic gene: rs7903146 related to TCF7L2 which causes skinny people with low insulin levels to still get diabetes. Questions 1.Is the use of companies like IntellixDNA clinically sound, ready for prime time? 2.Do you use any of this patient specific genetics in your practice around heart disease and diabetes, especially diabetes 3.What SNP or gene testing companies do you use?

Male hormone effects after age 70

I'm 73 and have low testosterone levels and am following your exercise resistance training protocol. As I approach age 75, how important are male hormone levels relative to achieving optimal metabolic health and increased longevity?

10 yr risk of ascvd guidelines

Hi, what advice do you have for someone with with ldl >190, age 41 but whose doctor is resistant to a low dose statin. Thank you

Post HER+ Breast Cancer… HRT?

My wife is 5yrs is post double mastectomy + chemo, age 54, and looking for guidance wrt HRT. All the docs err on the side of conservatism & balk at engaging on the topic. Any pearls of wisdom or articles to help guide our journey?

#299 - Exercise M.E.D. for anabolic response.

Hi Peter, After listening to episode #299 I didn't hear a minimum effective dose (M.E.D.) recommendation for exercise duration/intensity (resistance training and cardio) to stimulate an anabolic muscular protein synthesis. A big take away for me was the importance of consistent training to ensure that a majority of your meals would fall within the 24-hour boosted response following exercise Dr. Luc mentioned. But didn't hear what were considered minimums to stimulate this response in the body. In the Cells Report Medicine article it only states"whole body resistance exercise" was perform prior to the difference levels of milk consumption, but no specifics on what that included. Second, unrelated, question. Would Peter discuss recommendations for optimizing absorption in the GI? Ive found this is rarely controlled for in studies, due to obvious difficulties. But also isn't discussed much. So looking for some protocols for maintaining "optimal" absorption capacity in your GI.