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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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GLP-1 agonists and actions of Pendulum probiotics

On AMA #60 you mentioned GLP-1 agonist potentially affect parasympathetic and sympathetic outputs and metformin may reduce mitochondrial function. Do you think the pendulum lab probiotic - glucose control may have the same affect? My son started taking glucose control. He was an elite athlete with post acute infection syndrome after surgery who was dx w/POTS and ME/CFS. He has never felt worse and has been taking glucose control for several months. So i wonder if that has affected his autonomic and mitochondrial function. I told him to stop taking that wonder drug.

Could rapamycin treat endometriosis?

Currently, there is no permanent "fix" or treatment for endometriosis. However, I have seen promising research showing the ability of rapamycin to reduce the size of endometriotic lesions in rats and other studies linking improved pregnancy outcomes via IVF after short-term rapamycin treatment in women. Do you think rapamycin can treat endometriosis and should women who have been diagnosed with endometriosis begin taking it?

Use of Ozone therapy, in particular for atherosclerosis.

With all the lectures on APOB I have never heard Peter discuss Ozone therapy. I had 33% occlusion of my carotid arteries. After ozone therapy I had 0 stenosis or atherosclerosis. I realize that this was demonstrated by ultrasound which I recall Peter doesn't find as reliable as other tests. However I am interested if you have any data on this intervention?

What if ... you were Secretary of Health

It would be fascinating to have a discussion around the health policies that might be considered by a government that took on board the proposition of medicine 3.0. What policies would be needed to improve outcomes in a country faced with an aging population that is living longer but more unhealthily? What policies would be feasible? What examples are there around the world which suggest that population wide interventions can work? Could these interventions work in the US?

Blood tests for Lp(a)

I asked my doctor to test my blood for Lp(a) and she said the only test she could find for it was for LpA(1). This sounds wrong to me. I did find an article that says a number of test have been developed for Lp(a) but noted some differences among them. What lab test do you recommend for Lp(a)?