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sulforaphane (again)

I see multiple unanswered questions about sulforaphane. Please consider addressing them. Specifically, please weigh in on BrocElite by Mara Labs. I imagine much in this podcast transcript linked below might be annoying to Peter and his staff but it does explain their view of the benefits of sulforaphane, seemingly science-based: I and I think others would find it helpful for Peter to address these claims. Thanks.

The role genetics play in insulin resistance/T2D

It would be great to hear a focused conversation about the state/advances on this topic. This gets pushed to the side and T2D still gets framed as a lifestyle disease that one can ultimately turn around through lifestyle changes. As someone who has a V02 max in the 90th percentile and has earned that, I have insulin resistance/ T2D that cannot be controlled with just lifestyle changes due to the genetic component. The genetic part seems to get no airtime or respect from any corner of the medicine. My hope is that at some point genetic testing will be a tool in diagnosing metabolic issues. Thanks!

Body Fat/Muscle Mass Chart

Hi, is there a body fat and a muscle mass chart that we can look at for male/females for different age brackets? Thank you


Do you think Sermorelin is efficacious in promoting muscle growth and lean muscle mass? Thanks


Does having stents shorten longevity