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Keto fat intake schedule over various lifestyle “classes” including shift work

I’ve been full keto for almost 3 years & still have questions that are along the lines of timing & metabolism. If daily activity is consistent (but, like everyone else, that’s not reliable) my 2x dosing of butter & MCT emulsified in a beverage carries me thru an entire day. A “day” in my world of changing shifts, is waking until sleeping. I have 3 “classes” of work schedules that sound crazy (because they are) but is considered “normal” in the 24/7 utility industry. 1. Day shift, 10 hour days, 0700-1700 with every other weekend a 4 day weekend 2. Refueling Outage, 12 hour nights 1800-0600 on a 5 day cycle with 4 working & 1 night “off”. This varies whether I am “home” or traveling to another station in the system. The difference being activities after waking before commute. 3. Special fuel handling projects, home & away, Mon-Wed 1900-0700, Thu is a 24 hour turn-around getting off 0700 Thu & reporting 0700 Fri (which is usually an 8 hour day), Sat-Sun off. All the above has wide variety of physical/cognitive effort levels ranging from pushing a computer mouse around to highly physical, hot, dehydrating efforts on my feet most of the shift. I did say crazy (without any amplifying expletives, which is hard). * Is there a reliable interval between MCT/BHB intake & a response to a keto blood stick? Hydration seems to affect that for me. With my crazy schedule which often shifts everything by 12 hours, the 2 beverages have to be scheduled differently between days & nights. At night I compensate with Keto K-Cups between beverages which are 12 hours apart. * What is the quickest way, and how, can I encourage catabolizing fats. I have had spontaneous high effort extending through a meal, but keeping hydrated, that has actually elevated my ketone level without exogenous help. * Are exogenous ketone salts (like the one Dominic A features on his web site) reliable with respect to ketone rise over a repeatable interval. What are the variables that can ensure getting results at a predictable time?

Preventing arteriosclerosis in 20s and early 30s

Looking at your approach on agressively reducing apob I wonder if you would iniciate a statin or any other lippid lowering drug in patients on their late 20s early 30s if they have an apob under 70mg/dl but over the target 20 mg/dl. Lets also suppose that those patients don’t have any other risk factor like lp(a) and that we can’t lower apob any more with dietary/exercise interventions. Are there any long term side-effects of using that types of medications that we should be aware. I wonder if they couldn’t have an impact on liver fuction or renal fuction( since Rosuvastatin and Pravastatin have a higher renal clearance). Thank you very much for the questions. Love your work. Keep it up

Z2 training -- isn't it too easy?

As a former triathlete, I'm comfortable spending a lot of time in zone 3 and even zone 4. It is highly counterintuitive to me that spending an equivalent amount of time in zone 2 (downgrading my workout from Z3 or Z4) would be a better workout. Why is that? I also find that my power zones don't map well to my heartrate zones. I have a lower maximum heartrate than 220-age, but I'm able to push a long time in zone 3 power (relative to FTP) while staying in Z2 heartrate. What is going on here, and should I be using HR or power for my zone 2 efforts?

How concerned should we be of the heavy metal contamination (lead, arsenic) in our food chain such as spices

Recent reports from sources like Consumer Labs highlight an issue where the spices that we purchase may contain arsenic, cadmium and lead. 1) How does lead end up in these spices 2) Do you pay particular attention to this and do you have preferred brands that you use? 3) On a more broader perspective, do you choose lead free kitchenware for your home? 4) Reports also highlight possible BPA in our athletic clothing. Has this influenced your wardrobe in any way?

How to balance sleep and exercise

45 minutes more of sleep or 30 minutes of zone 2 cardio every day? I can choose to wake up at 4:45 and do zone 2 every day from 5-5:30, or I can wake up at 5:25ish and start my day then. How should I think about the trade offs here? How should I balance my decision? Can it be 50-50? Or is consistency better?