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Preferred dietary approach for primary goals?

Peter has previously talked about his experience with a ketogenic diet and how it helped him become "less 'not thin' Peter" but that he does not feel he could tolerate that kind of dietary approach a this present stage in life. If Peter found himself with excess body weight to lose today, what approach might he choose to get to an ideal body weight? Does his use of macronutrient (i.e. carbohydrate) restriction, time-restricted feeding, or even fasting different based on his patient's primary goal?

Remission or cured?

Please identify special considerations for postmenopausal ladies who have lost over 50 lbs, reversed prediabetes, increased VO2 max and muscle percentage. Should such ladies consider themselves [at current face value] healthy? Or, in remission from the specter of future disease? How do specific metrics from ones former unhealthy state impact, if at all, future health? Are there any unique metrics/blood tests advisable to track? Thank you

Rest between zone 2 and zone 5 workouts

How long a rest does one need between zone 2 training and zone 4 or 5? Could each be done in the same day hours apart? I’ma 59 year old post menopausal woman wondering if, occasionally, I could do a zone 2 workout and a HIIT-type workout on the same day. I want to develop my (beginner) mountain biking skills on the pump track 2 days per week and ride trails 1/week.

Zone 2 cardio benefits of weight training

I am 52, 6'2'', 188 lbs, in pretty good shape. When I do a typical weight training session of 1.5 hours (usually 3-4 times/week), my fitbit tells me I spend about half the time in "fat burning zone" (about 114-118 heart rate, which is about 70% of my max heart rate of 220-52, which I take it to be similar to Zone 2, I could talk, but a bit uncomfortable) and the other half in "cardio zone" (which is higher intensity, 125-140 hear rate, probably around 80% of max heart rate), about 45 min in each. It's not an average of time in Zone 1 and Zone 5. It's pretty much alternating between these fat burning and cardio zones. Could this "count" towards your recommendation of a VO2 max protocol of 45-60 min of Zone 2 cardio 4 times a week? I feel that it should and that I'm killing 2 birds with one store (benefit of lifting weights and benefits of cardio). In other words, if, while lifting weights, my cardiovascular system is working in those "fat burning" and "cardio" zones for most of the 1.5 hours, this should count as one "cardio" session for the week. I understand that fitbit is based on heart rate (not lactate levels) and I fully realize it is not 100% accurate, but hopefully it gives good enough info for an average person (I'm not a pro athlete). Thank you.

NAFLD/NASH - Nomenclature change

I understand that NAFLD is now called MASLD Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease and NASH is now MASH - Metabolic Dysfunction-associated Steatohepatitis (MASH). Is this correct? In the most recent AMA (#51) the terms used are NAFLD and NASH so I was curious. Thank you!