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Liposuction vs Gastric Bypass

I know liposuction alone, while it does decrease body fat (subcutaneous only), does not decrease or improve metabolic parameters based on the study: Absence of an Effect of Liposuction on Insulin Action and Risk Factors for Coronary Heart Disease. How does gastric bypass, or does it, change metabolic parameters such as glucose regulation, inflammatory markers, blood pressure, etc etc? Thank you!

Flu, COVID and RSV vaccinations for seniors

I'm a very healthy and active 65 year old male. I'm trying to determine which annual vaccinations to get this year. What are your thoughts on flu, COVID and RSV vaccinations? I assume that the flu vaccination is a given. I've had 3 or 4 COVID shots, but it's been about 18 months since my last one. I've never had a RSV vaccination. If the recommendation is to get more than one, what are your thought on getting them all at once or spacing them out? Thank you!

Antiphospholid syndrome

Please discuss diagnostic criteria and indications for treatment. I have found the literature unclear on whether an individual has the syndrome: lupus anticoagulant, beta glycoprotein, and cardiolipan

HMB & Fasting

Does Peter see any utility in supplementing with beta-hydroxy-beta-butyrate, either when fasting or in a fed state, or in any specific populations in order to maintain lean mass? Or does its activation of mTORC1 negate the benefits of fasting?


What is your approach to a client with chronic migraines? Are there any specific migraine patterns seen with women’s sex hormone cycles? Do certain metabolic conditions make you more susceptible to headaches? Are there any data supporting certain exercises/diets to reduce headaches? Any data on meditation reducing migraines or other stress decreasing practices?