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Does Berberine raise resting, fasting lactate?

I’ve been taking berberine preventively but now wonder if it is elevating my resting, fasting lactate levels as Metformine would. Do you know if it does? Is there any research to this effect?

How reversable is metabolic syndrome compared to age?

Many people listening to the podcast would ask themselves: if I am obese (say above 270 lbs) and take any medication (i.e. blood pressure) am I doomed? Probably, if I am in my 30s or 40s my blood tests are (still) within Peter's params except for tryglicerids or HDL-C, so just the values that confirm met syn. No doctor is worrying about that. Then Peter came and says: ok, you're probably having health issues. What can an obese person do in his 30s, 40s, and 50s to reverse that worrying trend which could lead to poor health expectancy? What can be the most effective and impactful actions to take to improove my conditions as early as possible and when should I expect getting results?

Are GCM patches trustable?

I've worn a GCM patch from Abbot three times for almost 14 days. The very first I've just looked at data and they seemed consistent with my expectations. The other two times I've double checked with a finger glucose monitor soon after measuring a peak or at fasting. I found out a difference of sometimes 20 points between the two devices in an inconsistent way (sometimes one was higher, some other times the other). Moreover, on feb 23 I've experienced high stress, then measured a fasting value of 160 (usually < 100). Then I panicked and run to have my blood tests, bringing the measurement device with me (and GCM as well). Just before the test I measured 130, which was basically the same 10 miutes after testing. I was astonished when my blood tests results arrived: 99 mg/dL and A1C at 5.2% How can we explain this? I've also taken notes of timing and values - 09:05 GCM / fingertip device measured ~130 mg/dL - 09:12 Blood test was 99 mg/dL - 09:20 GCM / fingertip device was 128 mg/dL I've asked my doctor and he said blood tests are more trustable than GCMs. But with such spread, they could mean everything. I've also checked my GCM and fingertip device and they were working correctly (consistent data).


Regarding the case studies using Boston Heart Health lab tests, is there a possibility of phytosterolemia ( sitosterolemia), with loss of function G5 and/ or G8 transporters? In this relatively uncommon genetic variation, restricting foods highest in phytosterols ( nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, avocado) is indicated as a critical part of the treatment ( in addition to Zetia).

Statins Effects on Exercise Adaptation

With the growing evidence supporting the causality of apoB & ASCVD, people are taking statins who were previously considered "low risk." Some evidence points to statins impairing skeletal oxidative capacity, oxidative enzyme content, mitochondrial respiration, and even attenuating adaptations to aerobic exercise training. While apoB is correlated with cardiovascular health, mitochondrial function and markers of cardiorespiratory fitness are also extremely strong markers of all-cause mortality and other outcome measures. How do you go about navigating this trade-off? Do you find the evidence on statins impairing exercise adaptations convincing? This would be an interesting topic to bring up with Dr. San Millan, or otherwise would be interested to hear your thoughts and/or experience with this. References: 1. 2. 3.,aerobic%20exercise%20training%20%5B10%5D.