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Hyperglycaemia, LDL oxydation and alpha lipoic acid

Hi Peter, nobody can answer this question for me, I hope you can! How long does it take from the moment blood sugar rises >140mg/dl for oxydation of LDL to occur? I am asking because as a type 1 diabetic I take alpha lipoic acid to counter the damage caused by hyperglycemia and I want to know what is the optimal time to take it given that ALA peaks in the blood at 50–90 minutes. I would be eternally grateful if you can provide some clarity on this as at the moment I feel like I'm just poking around in the dark! thank you

Afibb in athletes

I'm a fitness enthusiast that has been working out all of my life since 14 years of age (Fat kid) and now leaning more on cardiovascular conditioning in my later years. My roots were in bodybuilding as a young man then I started to dabble with boxing, martial arts and now I'm more focused on overall cardiovascular conditioning with an aim to increase my FiO2 from 51 to 61 when I turn 60 in 2025. my question is:"So tell me what's the deal with a fib and athletes?" one of my attendings directed this paper to me. "Mechanisms of atrial fibrillation in athletes: what we know and what we do not know." Respectfully, SEE link:

A fib and athletes

Part two of my question I apologize I was doing this while I was at work I did not mean FiO2 I meant my plan is to increase my VO2 from 51 to 61 by the year 2025 when I turn 60 years of age. I submitted a question for a fib and athletes. Sorry I could not go back and correct my original query.

Working the Health Care System/Lab Test

My PCP rolls her eyes a lot when I come in for my physical and ask for a non-standard lab test. I asked for an LPa test from her, and she claimed she could not order it. She referred me to a cardiologist, and he said he would not order because he could not treat high LPa. I ended up ordering it myself online. I have told my PCP repeatedly that I am willing to pay for all tests out of pocket. She said it was not about the money or insurance, but that she must find a billable code to order the test. Today she had to put a code in the system that claimed I had gout to get a uric acid test. The physicians all seem to be worried that I have anxiety about my health. Do you have any suggestions for working through this broken healthcare system? Can you suggest a good lab to order blood tests from? I reside in the great state of Texas.

What are the "other" Strength Metrics Assessment (SMAs) exercises and benchmarks?

In your interview with Dr. Andrew Huberman, you speak about the 11 tests you use in strength assessment. In your podcast notes, you speak about four of them: Dead Hang, Air Squat, Farmer Carry and VO2 max percentile. (Reference: at timestamp 4:10) Can you please share the other 7 tests you use and the table to help normalise the data based on age and gender?