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Pre- and Post- Op Advice on Shoulder Labral Repair Surgery

Hi Peter, I’m about to have the same shoulder labral repair surgery that you had in early 2022, and I wanted to see if you had any advice or general thoughts on the surgery you think would be helpful to know. I know you’ve discussed in on instagram periodically and in the podcast with Dr. Barron, but I wanted to see if you had any advice specifically as it relates to the post-op recovery process. Is there anything I can do post-op to materially accelerate my recovery and reduce muscle atrophy? Are there any diet choices and/or supplements (like creatine for example) that would help in this recovery. Thank you very much!

Fit 48 yr old just diagnosed with T2D

Well, I'm now 50 but same holds true. I'm 5'10 / 165lbs. Did 4 Triathlons in 2019 (last one was 70.3 Ironman in Chattanooga) and 4 months later was give a diagnosis of T2D when I had a blood sugar reading of <300! Currently take 1000mg of Metformin 2x/day (1 morning / 1 evening), 2mg Glimepiride, 40mg Rosuvastatin, .5mg Ozempic/week. Morning "fasting" blood sugar is always high - around 160 - 190; however if I check BS before lunch it will be in the 115 range. Current A1C is 7.4. Question: I want to stop taking all this medicine which means I must reserve T2D. I don't work out regularly. I'm a very athletic person but don't have the motivation to get to the gym (or my garage that has a full gym in it!). I walk the dog regularly, I walk 18 holes of golf but these things rarely move the needle on my fasting bs levels. Is the secret to getting rid of T2D as simple as diet and exercise? Is weight training better than cardio (I hate weights, but willing to do it)? Should I research LowT and start taking Testosterone to get me motivated? I have ZERO symptoms...other than being 50! I don't feel bad regardless of what I eat (or drink)...but that said, I don't eat too bad to begin with - I do crave an occasional piece of chocolate or cookie. I'm worried I'm not taking this as serious as I need to. Really enjoying the podcast and your book!

Oura ring activity recommendations

I am 72 and fairly active. My Oura ring frequently sites a “recovery index” that is sub-optimal and advises me to get more recovery time and sets my activity goal far lower than I think it should be. How reliable are these recommendations? Can I safely ignore them?

glucose transporter function

During the Impact Theory podcase, when you describe how fat impairs the signal of state at 14:50 "Insulin hits a receptor (called the insulin receptor) that insulin receptor triggers a chemical cascade in a muscle cell that tells a glucose transporter to move up to the cell and allow glucose to come in, that's how it's supposed to work." and you go on to explain that fat interferes with that signal. Can you please explain more about the glucose transporter. Does it pull it into the muscle cell to burn and that's ATP? If the muscle is 'full' does the transporter carry the glucose to the liver? What type of cell 'carries' glucose to the liver and other organs? By definition, does a Type 2 always have > 1 tsp of sugar in their blood? Thank you in advance for breaking this down for me.

Sport and Healthspan

I have been a devout lifter for many years but struggled to complete my cardio. Some younger coworkers roped me into a sprint triatholon and I found that I really enjoyed the way the training gamified cardio for me. I couldnt help but notice the overlap between endurance sports training and longevity training - the time spent in zone 2 and zone 5 primarily. As I continue on my endurance sports journey I'm having fun deciding what to do next. Should I focus on Sprint, Olympic, Half Ironman, or Ironman distances? Should I switch to cycling, running or something else? Should I focus on races that are 20 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 6 hours, 9 hours, 12 hours, or 24 hours? Or should I give up endurance sports completely in favor of something else? It's fun to think about all the possibilities but I would like to root my decision in whatever is the best for lengthening healthspan. What are your thoughts? Annother way to ask this question is which sport and race/game duration's venn diagram overlaps with longevity training the most?