Ask Me Anything

with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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How about an AMA of people who have submitted personal stories about how your podcast, Early program, etc has helped them?

Today, I was listening to a Podcast on You Tube by a cardiologist that essentially was trying to make Lp (a) seem benign and that all medications that treat lipid pathology as bad; ie statins and possibly even PCSK9 inhibitors. This was done indirectly by inferring that maybe the information that is "mainstream" is really because big Pharma just wants to make money. Thank goodness I have spent some time listening to the Drive first and all the discussion about the difference between associations in studies vs causal findings along with multiple episodes regarding how risk factors and causes of ASCVD because maybe I would be ignoring my apoB of 143, Lp (a) of 141 and my APOE4/4 st

Alternative cancer therapies

Hi Peter- Are you a fan of any alternative cancer therapies? I'm a 71 yr old man with metastatic prostate cancer, actually initially diagnosed 13 years ago. I'm also a lifelong fitness/health/meditation junkie, and value quality of life over quantity, which is why I chose not to undergo the conventional route. I realize you're probably more conventional, but thought you might have come across some other "healthy and empowering" approaches. Much gratitude!

Continuous Glucose Monitoring device

Hello Peter, Firstly I would like to show my appreciation to your podcasts, it helps me a lot and I'm sure to other listeners. I have been thinking about CGM for a while now, and I would like to here your thoughts on using CGM on non diabetic person, would you recommend it? What could one benefit from using it? What's benefit of CGM on physical activity perspective? Thank you so much for your time, I wish you a great day.

Smoking Cessation

Hello Peter, I was wondering what smoking cessation program you use with your patients? Are there any guidelines, medications you ascribe to or have found evidence that work most effectively? Thanks!

Protein Supplements

What protein supplements is Peter taking? Or what company to your recommend for good and quality protein supplements?